Start an Internship Program

The Student Development Committee has worked hard to develop an Internship Program Outline for you to consider starting within your club. Hospitality students from the University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University and Cal Poly Pomona REQUIRE internships in order to graduate. Many students leave the state because they cannot get a local internship. The 2018 requirements for each of the schools are attached here and linked to the bottom of this page. Clubs have asked about internship programs and said that they would like to be involved, but didn't know how to begin, so this is what we have done to make it easier for you:

  1. Attached here and below is information and a template for an internship program for you to consider if you do not have an internship program within your club currently. 
  2. If you would like to post an "Internship Opportunity", please send it to our office at [email protected]
  3. This will be posted on our website under "Careers", under "Internship Opportunities
  4. There is also an opportunity for students to post their resumes under "Internship Seekers' Resumes"

This is a new program for us, and we are excited to roll it out and keep as many of our students local this year as possible. We have a much better chance of keeping them working within the state and within our chapter if we have allowed them internship programs locally as well.

Click for the Internship Program Outline 
Click for the Three School's Internship Requirements Letters 2018